Watch Out for Coronation-Related Scams
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Watch Out for Coronation-Related Scams

his upcoming week, King Charles III will be coronated as the new king of the United Kingdom. When a major historical event is about to take place, people often look to social media and online news sources for information about the event. 

Cybercriminals take advantage of high-profile news stories to catch your attention and manipulate your emotions. In the coming weeks, we expect to see cybercriminals referencing the king’s coronation in phishing attacks and social media disinformation campaigns.

Follow the tips below to stay safe from similar scams:

  • Think before you click. Cyberattacks are designed to catch you off guard and trigger you to click impulsively. 
  • Be suspicious of emails, texts, and social media posts that contain shocking information about this event. These may lead to disinformation, which is false information designed to mislead you.

If you receive a suspicious email, follow your organization’s procedure to report the email.

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Stop, Look, and Think. Don’t be fooled.

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